On average, over one thousand car accidents occur in the state of California every day. Car accidents can come out of nowhere and can cause untold damage and distress. It can be difficult to understand the expansive set of laws that cover car accidents. One of the first questions you should ask yourself is: do I have to report a car accident to the DMV in California?
It is critical to know the steps to follow when one occurs so that you can protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property.
There are certain steps that must be taken when an accident occurs, no matter what. Try to move your vehicle off of the immediate road. The California Vehicle Code requires details such as the day and time of the crash, relevant information from all parties involved, and a general idea of the position of the crashed vehicles to be included in all reports.
With this in mind, try to get information from all parties involved in the accident. This can include date of birth, driver’s license number, address, license plate numbers, insurance policy number, and all corresponding expiration dates. Ideally, you should get this information for both the driver of the vehicle and its owner. Be sure to take pictures of any damage that occurred as a result of the accident, and try to draw a rough sketch of the vehicle’s position.
No matter the situation, be sure to be in contact with an experienced attorney. Our experienced Sacramento car accident attorneys at Ewing Law Group, PC, can help.
In California, there are certain circumstances that dictate when and how a report must be made. According to California law, a report must be made when an accident results in:
Under these circumstances, a report must be made to the California Highway Patrol within 24 hours of the accident. In addition to this, a report should be filed with the California DMV within 10 days of the event. This can be done by filing a Report of Traffic Accident Occurring in California Form (SR-1). This can be done by you, your insurance broker, or your legal representative.
When an accident occurs, it is essential to protect yourself legally. The first step is to file the above-mentioned reports accurately and in a timely manner. In California, failing to report a car accident can have several consequences, including:
Should the accident involve injury or death, the consequence of failing to report it may be even more serious, leading to criminal prosecution. No matter the case, whether dealing with property damage or worse, it is always important to be in contact with an experienced attorney. Our lawyers can help deal with litigation related to car accidents.
It is important to understand that even if you file an SR-1 form in accordance with regulations if you are uninsured at the time of the accident, penalties may be incurred. To avoid this, make sure you always have an active insurance policy which covers you for the minimum, which includes:
Especially in cases of personal injury, it is essential to make sure you are protected. If you find that you have been involved in an accident where either you or another driver is uninsured/underinsured, Ewing Law Group, PC can help.
A: Whether an accident is reportable depends on the extent of damage to property and injuries that have resulted from it. If there has been over $1000 of damage to a vehicle, or if the accident has led to the injury or death of an individual, the accident must be reported.
A: Failing to report an accident to the DMV in the state of California can have several consequences. These could include the suspension of driving privileges, a permanent report on your driving record, and future premiums on your insurance coverage. To make sure to avoid these consequences, always report traffic accidents to the DMV and California Highway Patrol.
A: There are two reports which must be made when an accident occurs in California, each with its own timetable. If you have been involved in a reportable accident, you must make a report to the California Highway Patrol within 24 hours of its occurrence and submit an SR-1 report to the DMV within 10 days of its occurrence.
A: In California, an accident is considered minor if the damage to a vehicle is less than $1000, and any injuries that occur are not serious (usually scratches or bruises.) While it is not required to file a police report, it is generally a good idea to do so, as insurance companies may request a police report as proof that an accident has occurred.
No matter the scale, a car accident and its effects can put us in distress. It is important to have experienced guidance to help protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property following such an event. With over 20 years of experience dealing with car accidents and their litigation, the lawyers at Ewing Law Group, PC, can help you navigate the complexities of accident law.
Whether you need to make sure that you are following legal protocol, are entitled to compensation, or need a robust defense, Ewing Law Group, PC has been supporting victims of car accidents for years. Contact us today for a consultation and peace of mind.
With high numbers of car accidents in our state, many of which involve serious or fatal injuries, state and federal agencies pay a lot of attention to the question: What is the main cause of car accidents in California? There are some common factors that affect the majority of crashes. But if you need advice on your particular situation, a consultation with the experienced Sacramento car accident attorneys at Ewing Law Group, PC can help.
California is a large state in terms of size and in terms of population, with a wide variety of climates and conditions and an extensive network of interstate and state highways. That means a lot of cars on the road and, unfortunately, a lot of car accidents. Here is some key information about auto traffic in California:
Some accidents are caused by completely unpredictable elements like adverse weather, vehicle mechanical failure, or an animal running into the road and the driver simply doesn’t have the ability to stop in time. However, the main cause of car accidents in California – and in the United States overall – is driver error.
No one wants to be in a traffic accident. Most drivers try to be careful and attentive, but it’s common for drivers to occasionally fail to notice or respond appropriately to circumstances, leading to a car crash. Driver error can include many different kinds of behaviors, like making the wrong decision in dealing with an external element, making a mistake in handling their vehicle, or not recognizing a dangerous situation.
Safe driving includes paying attention to multiple factors at once, including other vehicles, road conditions, pedestrians, traffic signs, and signals, and then responding to all the factors while following traffic rules and laws. This takes a lot of mental focus, as well as keeping eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel. When a driver fails to do even one of these, an accident may occur. Many accidents are caused by some common driver errors.
Distracted driving is a big problem for drivers. It includes anything that takes the driver’s full attention from the road, such as eating, grooming, other passengers, pets, or even daydreaming. But most driver distraction comes from technology: cell phones, GPS, car stereos, etc. Using technology while driving takes eyes, hands, and mental focus off the more important task at hand: driving.
When a driver is impaired, their vision, coordination, reaction time, and ability to make timely and appropriate driving decisions are compromised. Impairment can be from the use of alcohol, street drugs, and in some cases, prescription medications. However, fatigue can have a similar effect on the body, and some medical events like seizures or heart attacks can cause a driver to suddenly become incapable of safely operating their vehicle.
Another major factor in car accidents is speeding. Speeding can be driving faster than the posted speed limit or driving too fast for road conditions, especially in bad weather, construction areas, or other areas that require more attention. Driving faster reduces a driver’s reaction time dramatically, the time and distance a car needs to stop, and the effectiveness of guardrails and other safety structures.
The safest way to drive is defensively, which means the driver is consciously trying to reduce risk while operating their vehicle. However, sometimes drivers make decisions to drive in ways that are more likely to cause accidents, like improper passing, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, blocking other vehicles trying to change lanes, or cutting off other drivers. This kind of behavior has also been linked to road rage, which sometimes leads to dangerous confrontations.
A: Yes, bad weather like rain, ice, snow, or high winds can lead to car accidents. However, each accident has unique circumstances, so the driver may still have some liability, depending on factors like reckless driving or negligence. Sometimes, traffic signs or road conditions like potholes may also contribute to the accident.
A: In California, the blood alcohol limit is 0.08% for most drivers. For drivers under 21 or those who are on probation after a DUI conviction, the limit is 0.01%, and the limit is 0.04% for commercial license holders, like truck drivers and some rideshare drivers. It is also important to note that even if your blood alcohol concentration is under the legal limit, you may still be too impaired to drive safely.
A: If a mechanical failure in your vehicle causes an accident, you might be assigned full or partial fault, depending on the circumstances. If you knew about the problem and didn’t repair it or the failure was caused by lack of maintenance, you may be at fault. However, if a mechanic repaired something improperly or there was a defect in manufacturing, they may have some liability.
A: California uses the comparative fault model, which means each party in a car accident may be assigned some percentage of fault by the law enforcement officer at the scene. All parties are entitled to recover damages according to their assigned percentage. So, if a driver is assigned 35% fault for an accident, they can recover 65% damages in compensation.
Ewing Law Group, PC has more than 20 years of combined experience in California representing thousands of clients in cases like car accidents, personal injury, and more. We provide each client with the personal attention they deserve and work fiercely to get the most timely, favorable results possible. Contact Ewing Law Group today to discuss our affordable rates and quick turnaround times.
Children are brought into the world innocent and fully dependent upon their parents to support them financially, physically, and emotionally. When this does not occur, the child is vulnerable to abandonment and neglect, and the parents may be forced to waive their parental rights by a court. However, what if the parents are not being forced to waive their rights? This may leave people asking, can parents waive their parental rights?
In California, as in many other states in America, parents have a plethora of rights and responsibilities when it comes to caring for their children. Bringing a child into this world should not be done lightly, as the safety, care, development, and nurturing of the child falls on the parents. Parents also have rights in terms of caring for their children. Along with these rights come responsibilities, including:
When one or both parents are not able to or refuse to fulfill their responsibilities to their child, they can voluntarily terminate their parental rights. Though many parental rights termination cases are involuntary, a parent may be making the right decision for their child by relinquishing their parental rights.
To terminate their parental rights, the parent must petition for termination of parental rights and complete an investigation questionnaire. While parents may draft the petition on their own, hiring an experienced attorney is advisable for the greatest chances of the petition being granted. For parental rights to be terminated, one or more of the following must occur:
In addition to these criteria, the parent must receive permission from the other parent, when possible, before terminating their rights. The final step after completing the petition and questionnaire is to request a termination hearing.
Other reasons a parent may waive their parental rights are for adoption, divorce, legal guardianship, or legal separation. For a child to be adopted, the parent must waive their parental rights. Once the parent relinquishes their rights, they also terminate their right to the child’s earnings or inheritance, custody, support, visitation, and the child’s misconduct.
Terminating your parental rights is a serious step. It is understood that this step is not taken lightly, and much consideration and thought must be put into the decision. Children deserve a fair shot at life to grow and develop into responsible, mature, and whole adults. This can only happen in an environment where they are nurtured by capable parents.
If you find that you are incapable of caring for your child for one of the above reasons, you should reach out to a lawyer. At the Ewing Law Group, PC, we have experience guiding parents through the process of terminating their parental rights. We know this process can be difficult and emotionally challenging, and we are here to help.
A lawyer from Ewing Law Group, PC can help with:
A: Yes, a parent can voluntarily terminate their parental rights in California. In California, parental rights may either be terminated by the court based upon several factors that deem them unfit to parent or by the parent’s own volition. Once parental rights are terminated, an adoption agency or stepparent may take the parent's place.
A: In California, a child cannot refuse to see a parent until they are 18 years of age. However, at the age of 14 they can address the court and express their preference for custody and visitation, though the court makes the final decision regarding what is in the best interest of the child. A legally emancipated child can also refuse to see a parent, but in California, this occurs at age 18.
A: No, a parent cannot waive child support in California. California’s family laws are strict when it comes to child support and child custody as the best interest of the child is always considered. Waiving child support may not be in the child’s best interest because it can interfere with the child receiving the support they need to develop and thrive.
A: In California, both parents must be absent for 6 months to lose rights. This means the parent does not make provisions for the child’s support and care or does not make communication. Further, if the sole parent abandons the child for a year without making provisions for the child’s care and support, this is also abandonment and is grounds for losing parental rights.
At Ewing Law Group, PC, we pride ourselves on providing personal attention while offering a wealth of experience. We understand that waiving your parental rights is a difficult decision, typically brought on by unfortunate circumstances. We are here to provide support and legal assistance. Reach out to us today to learn more about our quick turnaround times and affordable rates.
When parents separate, divorce, or break up, conversations regarding the care of the children are likely to arise. When parents split, children tend to primarily live with one parent or the other, called the custodial parent, and the non-custodial parent pays child support. If you have been ordered to pay child support, you may find yourself asking, “How much is child support in California?”
No matter the custody arrangements, all parents are legally required to provide for their child’s needs. Child support refers to the financial payments made to the custodial parent to provide for the child. It is a means to make sure each parent pays their fair share. At the Ewing Law Group, PC, we can help you make sense of child support payments and how they are calculated.
In California, courts do not discriminate regarding who pays child support. No matter their gender or sexual orientation, parents may be ordered to pay child support. Sometimes, both parents are required to pay child support when there is a joint custody arrangement. However, the non-custodial parent is usually the one who is ordered to pay.
California places significant importance on how much time the parent spends with the child when calculating child support payments. Other factors that are considered are the:
When calculating child support payments, the judge will use the parents’ net disposable incomes, among other factors, to determine the amount. In these estimates, alimony, other child support requirements, health insurance, and retirement funds will be subtracted from the income numbers used in the calculations.
If you are attempting to calculate your own child support payments in California, here is a list of information you will need to collect:
Your gross income is the amount of money from various sources that you receive. Gross income includes the total money you take in from wages, self-employment salaries, commissions, bonuses, income from rental properties, pensions, investment income, employment benefits, and spousal support, among other sources.
Net income is gross income minus expenses, such as federal income taxes, mandatory payroll deductions, health insurance premiums, alimony, and any deductions for extreme financial hardship.
Once this information is collected, your child support payments can be calculated. It’s important to note that the judge has the final decision on how much child support payments will be, and the calculations are only a guideline. Child support payment calculations in California are a bit complicated, but they come down to one formula: CS=K(HN-(H%)(TN)).
If the parents share more than one child, these figures are multiplied by each consecutive child using a specific multiplier.
In general, the larger the difference between the parent’s income and the less time the child spends with the higher-earning parent, the more that parent will owe in child support. If the result of the calculation is a positive number, the higher-earning parent may be ordered to pay that amount to the lower-earner. If the result is a negative number, the lesser-earning parent may be ordered to pay the absolute value of that amount to the higher-earner.
It is assumed that the custodial parent will expend most of their resources caring for the child, so this calculation attempts to make it fair for both parents. It is also important to note that, in California, child custody and support arrangements are largely based on the interest of the child, so anything that impairs this can change the amount of support owed.
A: In California, child support is calculated using a variety of factors. However, the main formula for calculating child support is CS=K(HN-(H%) (TN)). Each letter represents a unique aspect of child support, such as:
A: The average child support payment in California is difficult to estimate. This is because every case is different, every child’s needs are unique, and every parent’s earning ability and income are not the same. Furthermore, no matter the calculation, the judge determines how much child support is owed based on various factors. Sometimes, if the parent with the lower income is obliged to pay, they can receive a low-income adjustment.
A: Determining how much most fathers will pay in child support is difficult. Firstly, both mothers and fathers can be responsible for paying child support, as it depends on who spends the most time with the child. However, since some fathers may have to pay child support while raising other children, or they have to pay child support in multiple households, their payments may be adjusted. This is because child support is treated as an expense and deduction from their gross income.
A: There is no minimum child support payment in California. Instead, child support is calculated based on the state’s set formula. This formula is intended to be fair for both parents and in the interest of the child. In addition to the income of the parents, and their ability to pay, the amount of time each parent spends with the child is considered.
If you have been ordered to pay child support and need help understanding your payments, contact the Ewing Law Group, PC, today. Our experienced lawyers can provide personal attention to your case, making sure you are not paying more than your fair share. Call us today to learn about our affordable rates.
Dealing with a personal injury case can be frustrating, overwhelming, and confusing, especially if you are attempting to handle said injury case on your own. Having a Yolo County personal injury attorney lawyer on your side who is experienced in cases similar to yours can only help you in the long run. It may be useful to consult with one. You may also be wondering: How long does it take to settle a personal injury case in California? The answer is dependent on a number of significant factors.
In California, settling a personal injury case varies in how long it may take. While some cases may be wrapped up in a matter of months, other cases may take years to fully finalize. It depends entirely on the details of your case. Every personal injury case is different, and the circumstances that make up that case are unique. Due to the inherent differences in every case, it can be extremely difficult to determine how long a case will settle.
A Yolo County personal injury lawyer can help you figure out how long your case might take to settle, but their estimate may turn out to be different than the actual amount of time once you start actively pursuing legal action.
The rate at which a personal injury case is settled is entirely dependent on the factors surrounding the case. While the statute of limitations for a personal injury case in California is two years from the date of the injury, if you file before the deadline, your case likely won’t take that long to finalize. Here are some of the important factors of a personal injury case that may speed it up or slow it down, depending on your situation:
A: Personal injury settlements are paid out in California in a number of different ways. It is largely up to the plaintiff how they want to receive their settlement. The two most typical ways are a lump sum, in which the total amount is paid in full through a single payment, or a structured settlement, in which the total amount is paid over several monthly or annual installments. Your lawyer will typically handle the distribution of funds.
A: In California, the time it may take to receive the money after reaching a settlement agreement depends entirely on the details of your case and the kind of personal injury settlement you are dealing with. A workers’ comp payout may take significantly less time than a standard personal injury payout. It could take a number of weeks, depending on how complex the case is, whether or not it went to trial, and how willing the insurance company is to accept the result.
A: There is no telling how long a personal injury claim may take in California. Every personal injury case is different. The details surrounding the case, its complexity, and who is involved will all help determine the total length of time a case may take to get resolved. Certain factors have to be taken into consideration, such as the severity of your injuries, the evidence that proves negligence, and both parties’ willingness to compromise.
A: Typically, you do not have to pay taxes on a personal injury settlement in California. The IRS tends to exclude compensation for injuries from federal income taxes, and California handles it the same way. However, there are some exceptions to the rule. If you want to be certain that your personal injury settlement is tax-free, you should bring that up with your lawyer or seek the advice of an accountant.
It can be difficult to handle a personal injury situation on your own. You may not know how long this whole process could take or where to begin filing the paperwork. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you figure out your first steps and provide you with consistent legal help throughout the entire process.
The legal team at Ewing Law Group, PC, understands the kind of help you need when dealing with a personal injury case. We can help you develop your case, gather the necessary evidence, represent your interests, and ensure that you aren’t taken advantage of by any insurance companies who may try to manipulate you. Contact us to schedule a consultation.
If you are involved in a car accident, you may wonder, “Do I need a lawyer for a car accident in California?” Speaking with an attorney can help you recover damages you may be owed for injuries suffered due to your recent accident. From navigating insurance companies to preparing for potential litigation, an experienced Yolo County car accident attorney works on your behalf to recover the compensation you deserve.
There are many advantages to seeking the help of an attorney after a car accident. Obtaining a fair settlement on your own can be challenging, especially when you have incurred significant medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. Insurance companies are notorious for offering settlement proposals that are much lower than an accident victim is rightfully entitled to.
While you focus on recovery, a lawyer works on your behalf to hold insurance companies accountable for total compensation. They will negotiate on your behalf with the other driver’s insurance provider. Communicating the circumstances of those negotiations empowers you to decide whether you wish to settle or pursue more compensation. If a settlement is not reached, a personal injury lawyer is equally prepared to present your case to the court.
Before any litigation, a personal injury lawyer will carefully investigate the details of your accident and collect all necessary evidence, including police reports, witness statements, photos and videos, and more. As your case progresses, a lawyer is also there to support your healing by ensuring paperwork and deadlines are appropriately met and that you are not pressured into returning to work before your recovery allows.
It is crucial to consult with a lawyer quickly after your accident so you can receive their legal insight, counsel, and recommended next steps. Your lawyer will advise you to avoid answering any insurance adjuster’s inquiries, as they can speak on your behalf and handle any communications with providers regarding your injury claim.
For some people, it can be difficult to decide whether to file a claim against the other party in a car accident or simply file a claim with their insurance provider. In either case, it is wise to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Following your accident, you will likely be contacted by insurance agents about predetermined settlement offers or questions regarding the evidence of your claim. This may happen before you even assess the full extent of your injuries.
Contacting a lawyer immediately is important since insurers may use waiting as reasoning against your claim. An experienced attorney will advise you to seek medical attention even if you feel you have no injuries or your injuries appear mild. Many seemingly minor injuries will gradually worsen as the person’s shock and adrenaline from the accident fade. These injuries could further impact your ability to return to work and the capacity of the work you can do.
A: It is recommended to retain the services of a lawyer even for accidents you did not cause. Although California is not a no-fault state, the other driver may claim you are partially responsible for the accident. Because both parties may argue the other was partially responsible, settlements could reflect a degree of responsibility. An attorney can help defend your case and help ensure the responsibility is equally represented.
A: How much a car accident injury lawyer may charge varies; the ideal way to get an estimate for your specific case is by consulting with a qualified attorney. A lawyer’s fees will depend on how complex your case is, the severity of your injuries, whether you are partially at fault, how many parties were involved, and other factors. A lawyer may charge differently depending on their experience and the time needed for your case.
A: In most cases, the at-fault driver’s insurance provider will pay for the damages resulting from a car accident. If the liable driver is uninsured, then you may file a claim with your insurer. Many insurance companies will make significant efforts to avoid compensating a car accident victim, even their policyholders. An insurance adjuster is likely to use a variety of tactics to pay you less than you are entitled to or not at all.
A: When searching for a car accident lawyer, several factors should be considered. While all lawyers have an educational background, look for a lawyer experienced in personal injury law, specifically a lawyer focusing on motor vehicle injury claims. Ask for recommendations for a lawyer with a strong reputation for acquiring positive results both in and out of the courtroom. Lastly, be sure you feel comfortable with your attorney and have honest and reliable communication and understanding.
A: There is no average settlement amount for a car accident injury claim since each case vastly differs. How much of a settlement payout you receive may depend on when you decide to pursue a claim, your attorney and their negotiating skills, the liable driver’s insurance provider, how severe your physical injuries and other damages are, whether permanent harm was caused, and other influencing factors.
Your attorney can help you understand what type of compensation you may be entitled to based on the circumstances of your case.
The Ewing Law Group prioritizes our clients by prioritizing their needs. Your case deserves personalized attention to recover the damages you may be owed. If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident, contact the team at the Ewing Law Group, PC. We can provide adept, qualified legal counsel and representation for your personal injury case.
If you’ve been a victim of a crime in California and are considering pressing charges, it’s important to understand the legal process involved. Knowing “how to press charges on someone in California” can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system and seek justice. With help from the compassionate team at Ewing Law Group, PC, you can ensure that your case is handled with knowledge and care.
Ewing Law Group, PC, is dedicated to providing personal attention, experienced counsel, quick turnaround times, and affordable rates to assist you through this challenging process. However, if you find yourself accused of criminal charges, our experienced Sacramento criminal defense attorney can also handle your criminal defense case from start to finish.
Contrary to popular belief, citizens in California (like in most US States) aren’t the ones to officially press charges but instead report crimes to police. The police investigate and send matters (along with their findings) to the District Attorney (DA). The DA can decide whether to file charges depending on the evidence.
File a Report: To initiate the process of filing charges, report the crime to the police. The more detail you can provide in your report, the better – information about the assailant, the nature of the act, details about the scene, witnesses, and any evidence present and discovered will be helpful to the police investigation.
A Police Investigation: The police will investigate the crime once you report it. They will interview anyone they think could have information or was a witness, collect evidence, and possibly arrest the offender. The thoroughness of the investigation can make or break your case.
Filing Charges: Upon completion of the investigation, the police will submit their report to the district attorney’s office. After going through the contents of the report to get the information, the district attorney’s office will decide whether to file charges based on the evidence provided by the police. In case they decide to file charges, they will file charges formally, and the case will be forwarded to the justice system.
Arraignment: After charges are filed, the suspect will be arraigned and formally charged. It is at that point where they are given the opportunity to enter a plea (guilty, not guilty, or no contest). Bail may also be set at this time.
Pretrial and Trial: Following the arraignment, the case will enter the pretrial phase, where both sides can negotiate plea deals, file motions, and prepare for trial. If the case proceeds to trial, both sides will present their arguments, and then a judge or jury will issue a ruling.
When charging a criminal case, the prosecutor in California must generally be satisfied that three conditions exist. First, the prosecutor must believe that there is probable cause for the charge. Second, there is sufficient admissible evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Third, that the criminal charge is in the interest of justice. These conditions ensure that the decision to charge a criminal case is both fair and just and also legally sound.
After filing charges, a prosecutor should continue to pursue them only if he/she has an honest belief that probable cause exists and that the admissible evidence will be sufficient to support a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt. If at any point a prosecutor has a serious concern that the accused may actually be innocent, or if the quality, truthfulness, or sufficiency of the evidence becomes questionable, they should alert their office to determine if the charges should be dropped.
A: The statute of limitations on filing charges in California depends in part on the type of crime. If, for example, it is a personal injury claim, the charges would have to be brought within two years. If the claim was regarding damaged property, the case would need to be initiated within three years of the incident.
A: If you’re a victim in California, you don’t have any say in whether someone is charged with assault. In the United States, the district attorney makes that decision. After a crime is reported, he or she will make up their mind whether or not to pursue the case, regardless of the victim’s wishes. However, the victim’s cooperation can greatly impact the outcome.
A: In California, before filing a criminal charge, a prosecutor must 1) believe that there is probable cause, 2) that there are sufficient admissible facts to prove the charge beyond a reasonable doubt, and 3) that filing charges furthers the interests of justice. A prosecutor who has significant doubts about the guilt of any defendant should not pursue the case.
A: In California, assault is an attempt along with the ability to violently harm another person. For example, if someone tries to punch you or pulls out a gun and waves it at your face, that is considered present ability. The person who threatens you must actually be able to cause harm. Other valid examples of assault can range from throwing objects to cornering someone.
When a crime occurs in California, initiating charges is a multi-step process that starts with a report and, depending on several factors, can culminate with a jury trial and conviction. In some cases, time is of the essence. Due to the nature of the crime, and based on statute and case law, you are required to take action within a designated period or risk the case being dismissed. Familiarizing yourself with the process and its exact steps will help you better make well-informed decisions.
At Ewing Law Group, PC, in Sacramento, you can count on an experienced team with the professionalism and personal attention needed to successfully guide you through this challenging and alarming matter. If you have been the victim of a crime, call Ewing Law Group, PC, and schedule an appointment to start moving forward today.
After a serious accident, there are many losses that you can experience, such as losing a car or wages. Many costs can be easily valued, such as the repair bills for the car or the amount of lost wages. However, some losses are not easily calculable. Pain and suffering is another loss that you may have as a result of an accident. Many people often ask, “Can you sue for pain and suffering in California?”
Pain and suffering, in legal terms, means that a person has experienced physical discomfort and emotional trauma. However, any form of mental issues or physical issues that result from a personal injury accident can be included within this label.
Pain and suffering damages are a form of non-economic damages for which individuals can make a claim. It is possible for a victim of a personal injury case to receive compensation for these non-economic damages, even if it is more difficult to establish a monetary value on them. If you have experienced an accident and wish to file a personal injury claim, it is suggested that you hire a Sacramento personal injury attorney to assist you.
There are several factors to consider when evaluating your pain and suffering damages, including:
There are several different types of pain and suffering injuries for which a person can file a claim. Some of these include:
Additionally, pain and suffering can involve things that you are no longer able to participate in or enjoy due to the accident. Losses of enjoyment, quality of life, and companionship fall under this category. If you wish to receive compensation for these losses, you must provide evidence that you have suffered these damages due to the accident.
It is difficult to give an exact financial value to pain and suffering damages, as they are not necessarily tangible damages. They are much different from a car accident resulting in a totaled vehicle or a damaged bike after a bicycle accident. As there are no set formulas to determine non-economic losses, there are other factors that can be evaluated to come to a fair compensation amount. Some of these include:
With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you will need to put together evidence to help prove the emotional and physical damages that you have experienced.
A: There are several factors that can affect your pain and suffering claim. These may include:
A: The new law for pain and suffering in California allows the victim's loved ones or their estate representative to continue the victims' claim for pain and suffering damages, even after the person’s death. If a victim’s damages are not settled before their death, that victim’s family member or another representative may continue to go forward with the case through survival action.
A: The way to prove emotional distress is to document as much as you can. This includes all of your medical records, such as any therapy sessions or any diagnoses related to your mental state after the incident. It also helps to include anyone who can serve as a witness to testify, as well as written evidence, such as journal entries, regarding your mental state after the accident occurred.
A: Yes, you can sue someone for emotional distress in California. Two examples of claims that you may file are the intentional or negligent infliction of emotional distress. Intentional infliction claims involve a case where the defendant has purposefully caused harm to the plaintiff. Negligent infliction involves cases where the defendant does not purposefully harm the plaintiff.
Some of your losses after a serious accident are not easily calculable. It is helpful, then, to have the aid of a Sacramento personal injury lawyer to maximize the compensation that you are entitled to. Contact the Ewing Law Group, PC, for assistance with your case.
Being a victim of or witnessing a tragic or distressing event can leave a person with scars that go beyond what the eye can see. Sometimes, these types of injuries can far outlast the physical ones. It has often been asked, “Is emotional distress considered personal injury in California?”
The state of California recognizes that emotional distress is a relevant and important thing to be considered in cases of crime and disaster. However, receiving the appropriate compensation for emotional damages can be tricky, which is why it is important to seek the counsel of an experienced Sacramento personal injury attorney.
The term emotional distress can have a broad meaning when used in legal terms. For this reason, the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions has defined this term to include, shock, nervousness, anxiety, grief, suffering, worry, shame, anguish, fright, humiliation, and horror. If your experience can be described by any of these examples, there is a possibility that you can receive compensation for that.
In order to claim emotional distress, you must prove the distress that you are experiencing. Medical records, police records, and eyewitness testimony can be helpful evidence. It must also be proven that the defendant’s actions were outrageous and caused more grievous harm than annoyance or hurt feelings would.
Inflicting intentional emotional distress is when an individual’s actions were reckless, and the defendant knew that what they were doing would almost certainly bring harm. The defendant could also be found responsible for emotional distress through negligence but without intent. Claiming emotional distress is possible by showing that you suffered emotionally as a result of one of these two conditions.
Although each case is personal and different, some common cases in which compensation for emotional distress may be awarded include:
These are only a few examples of common cases in which someone may receive compensation for emotional distress. This is not an exhaustive list, and if you believe you may be entitled to emotional distress compensation as the result of another form of crime, it is important to speak with a personal injury attorney.
Compensation is generally divided into punitive or compensatory damages.
Personal injury lawyers are often equipped to handle a variety of types of cases. For cases concerning emotional distress, their focus is on tort law, which is the area of law dedicated to harm caused by wrongful action. An attorney may be able to help you prove your need for compensation by gathering evidence such as medical files and reports, witness statements from the incident, and information from mental health medical professionals who may shed light on your particular condition.
In addition to helping you get the compensation you deserve, an attorney will also be able to help you navigate the complex legal waters of going to court and completing necessary paperwork. They can help you understand what your rights are and what courses of action you are entitled to take. Sometimes an attorney can even work with the defendant’s team to settle a case before it reaches the courtroom.
A: Emotional distress does fall under the category of personal injury. In any situation where physical harm is inflicted or witnessed, there is a chance that emotional and mental injury has occurred as well. If you can prove liability for the cause of the damage, you may receive compensation.
A: You can sue for emotional distress in California. If you have suffered emotional damage due to the actions of someone else, you can start a claim for compensation. The courts in California officially recognize the seriousness of emotional distress in cases of intentional or negligent infliction. It is wise to enlist the support of a personal injury attorney to help you prove the necessary elements in an emotional distress claim.
A: In California, emotional distress damages are not calculated by any specific standard of measurement. In order to determine emotional distress damages, the court will look at other factors within the case, such as the severity of economic losses, physical damages, and even the intentions of the defendant. Receiving a particular diagnosis in regard to emotional distress can also impact the compensation awarded.
A: While California does not technically impose a cap specifically for emotional distress damages, there are other specifications about compensation that may affect someone suing for emotional distress. For example, in cases of medical malpractice, a victim is only able to receive up to $250,000 for non-economic damages. For this reason, it is important to ask for the help of an experienced personal injury attorney to ensure you receive the maximum in damages.
If you or someone you love has experienced emotional distress because of the actions of someone else, it is important to seek compensation. Emotional damage can be equally or more severe than physical damages. Contact Ewing Law Group today to learn more about how our attorneys can help you get the appropriate compensation that you deserve.
The health and safety of you and your family is likely one of your highest priorities, as it should be. You do all that you can to keep yourself safe, but unfortunately, staying safe is not always within your control. Other people’s decisions can affect your health and safety. When this happens, you have the right to take action and file a claim. You will also need to seek out a Sacramento personal injury attorney.
For victims of an injury that occurred due to someone else’s negligence, personal injury law is on your side. This law allows individuals to receive financial assistance to aid in medical bills and provide support for the pain experienced. A settlement for a personal injury case differs depending on the severity of your injury. To receive a particular settlement amount, there are specifications that must be met.
How much you can sue for in personal injury in California is determined by the extent of your damages. Your compensation should cover the expenses that resulted from your injury, so the more expenses you incurred, the more money you should sue for. There are many things that factor into the total amount. Here are a few things that will affect the settlement:
Consulting with a Sacramento personal injury attorney can help you determine the settlement you deserve based on your circumstances.
One of the most common personal injury claims is car accidents, as it is relatively common to get into an accident due to a driver’s negligence. These types of accidents can have drastically different outcomes, as some are minor and result in slight injuries such as whiplash. Others result in more serious injuries with life-long effects. The amount of money that you can sue for depends upon the severity of the accident, the events leading up to the accident, and the seriousness of the injury.
On average, the amount sued for car accidents is around $21,000. However, this amount varies depending on your unique circumstances.
This type of injury can be a result of a business owner’s negligence if you have slipped and fallen due to a wet, slippery floor without being warned. This type of injury makes you eligible for suing for personal injury. The outcome of this type of accident also varies greatly, as some falls result in serious injuries. The average amount of slip and fall settlements is between $15,000 and $50,000, depending on the severity of the injuries.
Brain injuries are not only traumatic but can also have lifelong adverse effects. If you have experienced a brain injury due to someone else’s negligence or if someone purposely injured you, you have the right to sue for personal injury.
A wrongful death claim involves the loss of life due to accidents such as:
With a wrongful death claim, you can receive financial support for funeral services and the loss of your loved one’s income. You can also be reimbursed for any medical bills from the incident. While it won’t resolve the trauma and suffering, you can also be reimbursed for the pain experienced by the deceased after the incident and the emotional trauma you experienced as a result of losing them.
This claim can help hold the defendant responsible while also having them pay for all damages resulting from the death. The amount that you may request for damages may be up to one million dollars in rare cases, but it is dependent upon the factors leading to death.
A: In California, you can receive the total of the costs that resulted from your accident in a personal injury settlement. Keep in mind that the settlement amount varies depending on the severity of the accident and your injuries. For minor injuries, you may receive a settlement between $5,000 and $25,000. For a moderate injury, a settlement can be between $25,000 and $100,000. Severe injury settlements can be from $100,000 to $1,000,000.
A: You have two years after the injury occurred to file a personal injury claim in California. It is suggested that you file as soon as possible, however, because the sooner you file, the more evidence you will have. It may be possible that the defendant will try to pass blame on someone or something else for your injuries if you wait for an extended period of time to file a claim.
A: The amount of money you should ask for in a settlement depends on several factors. If your injuries are severe and will take you a considerably long time to recover from, you are able to ask for a higher settlement. Each case involves different circumstances, so it is suggested that you discuss your case with a personal injury attorney to determine a specific settlement amount.
A: It can take anywhere from three to twelve months to settle a personal injury case in California. A case will typically move quicker if you have legal representation. There are things that can delay the process, however, such as the severity of the injury requiring medical evaluation, complicated legal issues, and insurance companies determining settlement amounts.
Life is unpredictable, and unfortunately, another person’s negligence can cause you injury. If you have experienced an injury due to someone’s poor decisions, take action and file a claim. Contact Ewing Law Group, PC, where we can do everything possible to protect your rights.